VHF Help and Knowledge Centre was started on 23rd January 2018. By three very committed and dedicated individuals. With an aim to help young school going boys & girls to study better and be positive in life. All the children are provided free study material, stationary, computer education and internet facilities. The children belong to not so privileged society. We also help community people, who face difficulty while dealing with govt. departments like bank, pension etc. all our services are free. We have volunteers who help us in getting donations. Every paisa of donors is used for the welfare of children and people. We have so far achieved little. A lot more is to be done.
VHF एक कोशिश है उन बच्चों तक पहुंचने की जो शायद आर्थिक वजह से कई अपने छोटे छोटे सपने पुरे नहीं कर पाते। उन अशिक्षित लोगो की मदद करना जो शायद शिक्षित न होने की वजह से अपने अधिकारों के प्रति जागरूक नहीं हो पाते, कुछ के लिए ही सही पर हम अगर बहुत कुछ कर पाये तो ये हमारे लिये सबसे बड़ी संतुष्टि होगी। कर रहे है कुछ अच्छा क्योंकि VHF परिवार का मन है सच्चा।