"They Alone Live Who Live For Others, The Rest Are More Dead Than Alive", Swami Vivekanand

Our Events

26th Jan. 2020

71st Republic Day Celebrations

On the occasion of Republic Day, VHF distributed Liquid Hand Wash Kits to children at its Okhla Centre.

71वां गणतंत्र दिवस

भारत के गणतंत्र दिवस पर, वी.एच.एफ ने अपने औखला केन्द्र मे बच्चों को सफाई के प्रति जागरूक करने के लिए हाथ धोने के तरल साबुन किट वितरीत किये ।
शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 

20th Jan. 2020

Cleanliness is Next Only to Godliness

स्वछता भक्ति से बढ़कर है
Madam Ratna Saxena (founding member CRACR&PD) & Mr. Tanmmay Bhardwaj visited VHF Centre to lecture children on the importance of cleanliness in our lives. A motivational picture on the values of Mahatma Gandhiji titled 'Gandhiji Ney Kaha Tha' Gandhiji had said, was also shown to the children. Liquid hand wash kits were given to all children.

 शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 

06th Nov. 2019

Honouring Our Members

VHF Centre (Dwarka) held "We are one" programme at its centre on 06th Nov. 2019, to honour our team members for their contribution & valuable support. Team VHF is thankful to Madam Ratna & Mr. Sagar Bhardwaj. You came and felicitated our members. 

Mr. Ajay Kumar Khatri 
Mr. Tanmmay Bhardwaj
Mr. Raju Kumar 
Mr. Alamgir
Mr. Jai Kishan 
Mr. Sameer Khan 
Mr. Raju M. Raju 
Mr. Govind Ban 
Mr. Ravi Choudhary & 
Mr. H.K. Kaul.

(Together We Can & We Will)

शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत

(आप सब का आभार)
"An Honest Effort to Change Lives"


25th Oct. 2019

Celebrating Festival of Lights

VHF Centre (Dwarka) celebrated festival of lights (Deepawali) with children and community members. Gifts were distributed to children, their parents & community members. Drawing & Dance competition was held. Madam Ratna Saxena (founder member of CRACR & PD) & Mr. Sagar Bhardwaj graced the occasion with their presence. 

शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 

'Special thanks to Mr. M.S. Nikam for his contribution & support'.

(h.k.kaul with m.s.nikam)


26th Sep. 2019


Distribution of Note Books at Okhla Phase-I by VHF Centre (Dwarka) to children. Team VHF expresses gratitude to Mr. Ajay Saxena - Indira Gandhi Public School, Gurgaon (now Gurugram), Haryana, for all the support. 
(शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत) 


26th Sep. 2019

सेवा परम् धर्म

Many thanks to Mr. Ajay Saxena for donating clothes to VHF Centre (Dwarka). Team VHF says - Thanks

We are also thankful to Madam Parkashi Kumari (Retired Teacher) for being supportive.

शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 


25th Sep. 2019


VHF Centre (Dwarka) distributed clothes to the needy, donated by Indira Gandhi Public School, Bheem Nagar, Gurgaon (now Gurugram), Haryana. Team VHF is thankful to Shri Ajay Saxena for the Support.  शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत
धन्यवाद, आभार            


22nd Sep. 2019

In The Memory of Lt. Shri Anil Kumar Basak

VHF (Dwarka) had a visitor on 22nd September, 2019, Ms. Durga,  who is an accomplished classical (Kathak) dance teacher. She came with her family and interacted with children, who played games & danced. In her reception children at VHF decorated the centre with posters & drawings. She distributed stationary, chocolates fruit juice packets & biscuits to all the children present at the VHF Centre. Her younger son also recited a poem. Team VHF is thankful to her for her interest in the welfare of our children.

वी. एच. एफ.  आपका और आपके परिवार का आभारी रहेगा। 

15th Sep. 2019

VHF Centre (Dwarka) held an interactive session with children on self-belief.

Thought of The Day

The dishonest, lazy, disobedient person (family member or an outsider) may promise & may give thousand talks, but such a person proves to be non-cooperative. One can safely rely on own-self for the fulfillment of mission. Our strong self belief never let us down. Believe the power within you and move on.

'हमे अक्सर ऐसे बईमान, सुस्त, लापरवाह लोग (परिवार वाले या बाहर वाले) मिल जाते है जो वादे बहुत करते हैं, बातें लाखों की करते है, परन्तु किसी लायक नहीं होते, बेहतर है अपने मन के बताये रास्ते पर चले, आपके अंदर की हिम्मत आपको सही राह दिखायेगी, रुके नहीं चलते रहें हमेशा।'

"विवकानंद केंद्र के अजर अमर परम आदरणीय एकनाथ राणाडे और परम श्रद्धेय स्वामी विवेकानंद जैसे महापुरष हमेशा इन्ही बातों को प्रबलता के साथ कहते थे।"



13th May 2019
हम में है दम 
VHF felicitates children who passed this year. All of them scored good marks in their annual examinations. Ms. Ratna Saxena gave away the prizes to children, her words further motivated children to do well in future. VHF Centre (Dwarka) is commited to help children from not so privileged society, to overcome difficulties and excel in life. 
Congratulations to all.  



26th January, 2019

70th Republic Day celebrated at Dwarka VHF Centre. National Tri Colour, symbol of our pride was unfurled. National anthem sung by VHF volunteers and children. Sweets distributed to children and community members. Republic Day reminds us about the supreme sacrifices by our freedom fighters and be proud of our defence forces guarding our borders and securing the lives of a million Indians.

जय हिन्द ! जय भारत ! वन्दे मातरम ! 

15th January, 2019
Children participated in drawing competition at VHF Centre, Dwarka on 15th January, 2019. (71st Indian Army Day)


14 January, 2019

Distributed Warm Clothes

On Makar Sakranti VHF Dwarka Centre distributed warm clothes to need. Just lending a helping hand.

     1st January, 2019

VHF Centre Organised New Year party for Children of the Centre and Community Members at Dwarka, Sector-16A.

New Year Celebration

7th December, 2018

आज भारत के सैन्य बलों का ध्वज दिवस VHF द्वारका द्वारा मनाया गया। 7 दिसंबर 1949 इस दिन की शरुआत हुई। मक्सद था भारतीय सैन्य बलों के लिए चंदा इक्कट्ठा करना। VHF द्वारका ने देश के वीर जवानों को याद किया और अपने सेंटर के बच्चों को गर्म टीशर्ट प्रदान की। VHF ज्ञान केंद्र समर्पित है लोंगो कि सेवा के लिए।
VHF एक निःस्वार्थ। ईमानदार कोशिश है। हम लगे है अपने काम पर। जितना कर सके सहायता करें चाहे बच्चे, जवान या बुजुर्ग।
स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने कहा था। ओर सत्य ही कहा था वही जिंदा जो दूसरों के लिए जीता है बाकी सब जिंदा नही म्रत है।
हुम् बच्चों या जिनकी भी सहायता करते है, तो उन सब से सीखते बहुत ज्यादा है और सिखाते काफी कम है। पर कह सकते है, गर्व से "अच्छा लगता है"।

Indian Armed Forces Flag Day


6th November, 2018

VHF Dwarka celebrates Diwali with members of the community.
14th August, 2018

VHF Celebrates Independence Day at Dwarka, Sec 16A, New Delhi with Community Children.


Please Donate At

A/c Holder:Govinda
Account No.:8813540102
IFSC No.:KKBK0000205
Google Pay UPI ID:govindab00@oksbi
Paytm UPI ID:8802636473@paytm
Note: We are still not registered. We have applied for registration. Mr. Govind is member of VHF. This is our temporary account.



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सम्मान दिल से

08th Dec. 2020 -सम्मान दिल से - परस्पर मेल बच्चों से वी. एच. एफ. एकता सूत्र को और मजबूत करता है । थोड़ी हमारी कोशिश, छात्र छात्राओं की सूझब...
