"They Alone Live Who Live For Others, The Rest Are More Dead Than Alive", Swami Vivekanand

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Celebrating Festival of Lights

25th Oct. 2019

Celebrating Festival of Lights

VHF Centre (Dwarka) celebrated festival of lights (Deepawali) with children and community members. Gifts were distributed to children, their parents & community members. Drawing & Dance competition was held. Madam Ratna Saxena (founder member of CRACR & PD) & Mr. Sagar Bhardwaj graced the occasion with their presence. 

शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 

'Special thanks to Mr. M.S. Nikam for his contribution & support'.

(h.k.kaul with m.s.nikam)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Art Gallery

VHF(Centre) Dwarka art gallery. An art work by our children. Please do share your views with us.

शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत


Saturday, October 12, 2019


11th Oct. 2019


VHF CENTRE (Dwarka) distributes clothes at Sector 15,  A - Block, Dwarka donated by Indira Gandhi School, Gurugram(Haryana).

टीम वी. एच. एफ.  शिक्षित बेटियाँ विकसित भारत 

International Day Of Girl Child

11th Oct. 2019

International Day Of Girl Child

Observed by United Nations

Saluting the girl child on girl child day, also called as day of girls & International day of the girls. The girl child day is observed to spread awareness all over the world on gender inequality & discrimination. Let's stand with the girl child and give them opportunities without bias.

अंतराष्ट्रीय कन्या दिवस 

11 अक्टूबर को सयुंक्त राष्ट्र संघ द्वारा अंतराष्ट्रीय कन्या दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।  इस दिन पूरी दुनियाँ में लड़कियों के साथ हो रहे भेदभाव से सीख लेने और उसे समाप्त करने के लिए संकल्प लिया जाता है।  आइये मिलकर लड़कियों से हो रहे इस अमानविय व्यवहार को रोकने की कसम खाये ताकि उन्हें भी मौके मिले और वे अपनी प्रतिभा साबित क्र सकें। जो लड़को का अधिकार है वो लड़कियों का भी होना चाहिए। 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

World Homeless Day

10th Oct. 2019

World Homeless day is observed on 10th of October every year. The developing countries & the undeveloped countries have a tough job  at hand. Millions are homeless in many parts of the world because of conflicts. A big humanitarian crisis and the world must work  in unison to give homeless a hope.

World Mental Health Day

10th Oct. 2019

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Desire

04th Oct. 2019

मेरी गुजारिश 

"I am a child,
 enjoying my childhood,
 going to school playing games,
 learning to read & write, 
getting love of my parents day & night"

"I love all with my sweet smile,
 I am pampered by my parents to give me better life" 

"Comes an insane, 
gives me pain,
 ruins my life & my parents are down the drain"

"Dear uncles & aunties give me safety & protect my childhood from corrupt brain"
"I want to live freely, 
play in the ground, 
enjoy the sunshine and get wet in the rain"

मेरी वेदना 


Please Donate At

A/c Holder:Govinda
Account No.:8813540102
IFSC No.:KKBK0000205
Google Pay UPI ID:govindab00@oksbi
Paytm UPI ID:8802636473@paytm
Note: We are still not registered. We have applied for registration. Mr. Govind is member of VHF. This is our temporary account.



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सम्मान दिल से

08th Dec. 2020 -सम्मान दिल से - परस्पर मेल बच्चों से वी. एच. एफ. एकता सूत्र को और मजबूत करता है । थोड़ी हमारी कोशिश, छात्र छात्राओं की सूझब...
