"They Alone Live Who Live For Others, The Rest Are More Dead Than Alive", Swami Vivekanand

Friday, September 13, 2019

Child Labour

13th September, 2019


Save The Child
Child labour is inhuman, physical & mental torture must be stopped. Complete child abolition is only possible, if we control the fast rising population. Our cities are overpopulated with each passing day. Our cities big or small are witnessing large scale migration from villages. Employment for all is a major issue besides issues like safe drinking water, proper sanitation, shelter & other basic amenities. Its known fact that for a city in India dealing with such issues is too difficult. Growing population means poverty and poverty is the root cause for child labour. In many cases a child does this to support family & in other cases, a child willingly gets into child labour. A curb on child labour in present circumstances is just not possible. We believe population control is one solution, rural development is another, migration to cities in search of livelihood could come down resulting in drop in migration to cities. Our cities would then be able to meets the needs of people. Lets take a reality check, in 1947 we were 32 crores & today we are 132 crores. A huge jump of 100 crores in 72 yrs. astonishing isn't it. For 72 yrs we never bothered to control population, never realised that increasing population gives birth to infinite problems. Having more children means problem of livelihood & the result is child labour. Lets control population and many of our problems could be resolved. Its our duty to save childhood.  Child labour is inhuman & cruel.

1 comment:

  1. Child labour is big problem in India. Reason is heavy population and gender gap.



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